For cattle breeding, manure management is an aspect many farm owners focus on. For this, it is a good idea to process cow manure into organic fertilizer. SX can provide you with various manure management systems for cattle. Such as composting system, crushing system, mixing system, granulation system, screening system, drying and cooling system, packaging system, etc. And for every system, we especially design different types of cow dung fertilizer machines for your choice. They can help you prepare cow manure into organic fertilizer more smoothly and quickly. If you need them, you can contact us immediately.


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How does solid-liquid separator machine manage your cow dung waste?

A solid-liquid separator machine can be an effective solution for managing cow dung waste. You can use a it to process cow manure. Utilize solids and liquids separately to maximize the use of cow dung. Make it easier to handle and dispose of the waste. Here are some steps you can follow to use a solid-liquid separator machine for cow dung waste management.

You can collect the cow dung waste and feed it into the machine. And you must make sure the waste is as dry as possible, as wet waste can clog the machine. Therefore,you can use dryer to carry out preliminary drying.

The machine will separate the solid and liquid components of the waste. You can use the solid component to accumulation fermentation.After that making fertilizer that bring commercial benefits for you. While you can also use the liquid component as liquid fertilizer or disposed of in a safe manner.

After using this machine,you need to regularly clean and maintain the machine. To ensure its efficient operation for your cow dung waste. This step is very important. If you are not maintain it in time,it will reduce your work efficiency to lead to waste your time.

How to dispose of cattle manure into compost fertilizer?

Composting usually plays an important role in cow manure management. Because composting is a process to decompose organic matter and generate heat to kill these harmful substances in cattle manure. But if you start cow dung fermentation in a natural way, it will take you a long time, about 2-3 months. Then what is the best way to make cattle manure compost faster and better? Using professional composting machine. Here, wheel type compost turner and windrow compost machine are both excellent choices for you.

Wheel type compost turner for large scale cow manure management

If you need compost equipment for large scale disposal of cow dung, our wheel type compost machine is your best choice. Because it has a turning width of 10-30 m and a turning depth of 1.3 m. It means wheel type composter can compost cow dung 1-3 times more than other fertilizer fermentation machines. In addition, we especially replace single turning wheel with double stirring wheels, which can greatly improve its composting efficiency.

wheel type compost turner machine for cow dung management
Equipment Wheel type compost turner
Turning Width 8-30m
Turning Depth 1-3m
Infrastructure Fermentation trench
Highlights Large capacity, automatic, electronic

Windrow compost machine for small scale cow waste compost treatment

But how to prepare cow dung manure compost fertilizer in a small scale? You can use SX windrow compost equipment, which ferments cattle manure by piling it into long windrows on the flat ground. Driven by a skilful worker, it can process 500-1500㎡ of cow poop per hour. It can help you finish small scale compost making of cattle dung quickly, about 20 days.

cow dung fertilizer windrow composting equipment
Equipment Windrow compost machine
Turning Width 2.4-3m
Turning Depth 0.8-2m
Infrastructure Flat cement ground
Highlights No extra infrastructure, mobile

How to decompose cow dung quickly?

Besides using compost machine, is there any other method can contribute to better fermentation and speed up cow manure compost? Of course, you can compost cattle waste faster by following ways:

How to turn cow dung waste into powder fertilizer in your fertilizer making plant?

Powder fertilizer manufacturing production line is a simple process to turn material into powder fertilizer. Therefore, only need to a few machines for you.

What granulator is suitable for cattle manure management?

For better cow manure disposal, many farm owners prefer to process it to granular organic fertilizer. Why? Because preparing cow manure into fertilizer granules can prevent sticking and nutrients layering. What’s more, compared to powder cattle waste fertilizer, pellets are not easily blown away by the wind. For granulation machine purchasing, there are some tips for you.

Disc granulator for small scale cow waste pellet making

If you want to set up a small scale cow manure disposal plant, we recommend you choose disc granulation machine. Generally speaking, it can produce 1-6 tons of cow manure fertilizer pellets. In addition, it has characteristics of low investment, over 93% granulation rate, less space occupation. Which helps you start small scale cow manure making more smoothly.

cow dung fertilizer disc granulator
cow dung fertilizer rotary drum granulator

Rotary drum pelletizer for large scale cow dung granulation

Provided you need a machine for large scale cow poop fertilizer granulation, rotary drum pellet making machine is your best choice. SXZGZ-3210, the largest drum granulator, has a capacity of 15-30 t/h. Moreover, in order to prolong its service life, we especially equip it with rubber lining and angle irons to prevent corrosion.

Double roller pellet making equipment for dry granulation

But when you want to process cow litter with dry granulation method, it is advisable to buy double roller extrusion pelletizer. Because it mainly makes use of the extrusion force between two rollers to prepare cow waste into granules. That is, there is nearly no water involved. In this way, it can reduce the cost of cow manure pellets drying and cooling.

cow dung fertilizer double roller granulator

Besides the above machines for cow dung management, we also can offer you many other cattle manure disposal systems equipment. Such as batching machine for controlling materials proportion, coating machine for prolonging storage time, dust collector for environmentally friendly cow dung fertilizer processing. You can choose freely according to your needs. In addition, if you also prepare to dispose of chicken manure, we can also provide you with professional chicken manure processing machines. Contact us immediately now!

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